My kids are geniuses. Yes, I'm aware that every parent probably thinks this about their child, but this is true in our case... Both of my children started emailing and texting me at work at a very young age. I'm not kidding! Oddly enough, they always seem to do this from Grandma & Grandpa Boos' house.
For example, Kyler sent me this one last week with a message "Dear Mom, Can I please have both socks tomorrow?"
Colton showing off his muscles
This one came with a message letting me know Grandma bought her a new dress. Pretty sure Grandma couldn't wait for me to leave that morning so she could try it on her...
For some reason, Colton wanted to go shirtless for pictures...
I told you my kids are geniuses...or Grandma just thinks she's really funny! :)
Cash & Carry Open House
14 years ago
I can't believe how much Colton has grown. When do I get to hold and spoil little Kyler?