While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Every year, for as long as I can remember, and even WAY before that, my grandma Darlyne Johnson and Joyce Rush have gotten together to make Christmas Cookies. My mom and my sisters, and my aunt Debi have also been a part of this tradition. This year, we added Colton, Kyler and Jace, which made things a LOT more interesting! Colton made cookies for a while, then got kicked out of the house and had to go to the shop with Grandpa, then he got kicked out of the shop and had to go back to the house... He is a BUSY little guy who LOVES to 'help', and always has a LOT of questions... We all love him to pieces, but sometimes... Well, maybe we should just leave it at that! :)

Aunt Ang has already experienced making cookies with Colton at her house...and even brave enough to try it again!

Then Mom got to help him...

Then we had the whole "I do it myself" batch...

And at the end of the day, even with all of the chaos that the little ones bring with them, we ended up with this!

This may seem like a LOT of cookies (which it is), but it is nothing compared to what we used to make! They have really scaled down this production in the last several years...

Holiday traditions...gotta love 'em!

You can check out more from our cookie baking day here on Angela's Blog...complete with video of somebody giving Jace his first bite of frosting (it was not me!)... I think he liked it!

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