While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Laundry Chute...

is for LAUNDRY, right??? WRONG!!! This is one of my kids' FAVORITE places to play!!

Where's Colton?

There he is!

Where's Kyler?

HERE she is!

Pretty sure at this point, Colton was upstairs talking down the laundry chute to Kyler...

 Colton posing for a picture...

The only thing you don't see here is the pile of towels they pulled out so they could play in here...but you didn't want to see that anyway!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Conversation with Kyler...

Kyler likes to talk...  A LOT.  Only problem is we can't quite understand her yet.  She's getting a few words here and there, but mostly, it sounds like this...

*If anyone knows what she's talking about, could you PLEASE let us know!!!