While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt

Sunday, June 24, 2012

One more...

Last one for today, and probably the next month at the rate I've been posting.  However, I just had to post this one...  Kyler is pretty stinkin' cute (most of the time), but she gets even cuter when she has pigtails in!  Oh.  And Grandpa Jerry was kind enough to expand on her 'cuteness' last week when she was at their house...  Kyler now says 'Purty Pease' when she asks for something.  Who can resist that??  Thanks a lot Grandpa!!  :)


My kids LOVE popsicles!  This day was no exception.  We had been to 'Ruth's' and they figured out she has single popsicles for sale...  I was not entirely in favor of getting them popsicles since they would be eating them in my car...HOWEVER, a wonderful family friend (who will remain unnamed) just happened to be behind us in line and bought the popsicles for them!  In the end, it was very much appreciated by us all!  ;)

More Randomness

I'm not real sure where we had been or what we had been doing.  Colton thinks he needs to be prepared to 'work' wherever we go...thus the 'work' gloves and sunglasses...

Derek & the kids playing with my Mother's Day present while I fixed lunch...was the Kindle Fire my gift, or the fact that they were entertained and not under my feet while I was cooking my gift???  :)

FILTHY KIDS!!!!  We worked outside all day one day when it started getting warm out. Kids were filthy, and pretty sure they got sunburnt because it was so early in the year, I forgot sunscreen... 

Pure Randomness

Normally, I try to group pictures together based on where they were taken or what we were doing.  Today...you are just getting them all!  Hey, better than nothing, right????

Colton taking 'Ang' for a ride on his 4-wheeler at Grandma's

This is how Grandma 'watches' Colton on his 4-wheeler.  She doesn't want to chase him all over the farm on foot, and Kyler doesn't care to ride her 4-wheeler much yet, so they follow himi on the mower...LOL 

This is where my kids like to sit and watch TV.  This is also why I haven't bought new furniture yet! :) 

Our little Princess!  She LOVES to play dress-up! 

And fix her hair...  This one she learned at daycare.  Our daycare lady has a 16 yr old daughter that Kyler LOVES to watch get ready for school in the mornings.  In the process, Kyler has also taken a liking to blow drying and 'fluffing' her hair and absolutely LOVES makeup! 

Kyler 'helped' me fix a batch of mushrooms one night.  She got stuck in the house with me while Derek & Colton were outside doing something, so I let her help.  I was putting mushrooms in the skillet and turned around to find her dumping the eggs from one bowl to the other...at this point, why stop her?  She loved it! 

A box that Kyler's diapers came in.  Boxes are some of our favorite toys...and I took this picture thinking we might just pack her up and send her to Aunt Brook!  One of these days...  :) 

Just like Dad!  Not sure where they were headed, but we had to have hats/sunglasses like Dad wears...