While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where's Kyler?

She is definitely getting where she wants to go these days... She's not all over the place yet, but she's well on her way!

She starts out here...

And ends up somewhere over here....

Or yesterday got herself stuck here...and yes, I took a picture before I got her out... :)

Or in bed, she starts out here...

And ends up here...

Yesterday, when she was supposed to be taking a nap...I caught her here, chewing on the rail. Guess we're going to have to start putting that up! Too bad for short little me!

Good thing she's cute!

And LOVES her big brother! Colton reading her a book before they go to bed...

Good Night! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pickin' Corn

Well, it's that time of year again. It's that time when my husband is out helping with harvest every minute he's not working and I'm home with the kids. Sort of. This year, Colton's old enough that he gets to "go to work" with Daddy, Grandpa, Jed and Aaron. Been great for me, and from what I hear, it's entertaining for them since he is CONSTANTLY asking questions! :) I got to ride in the tractor with Derek last weekend while Colton rode in the combine with Grandpa. May be my first/last tractor ride of the season because Colton informed me later that "girls don't ride in tractors!" Now who do you suppose told him that?

Yes, that is a picture of my son...alone in the combine...

And at the end of the day, if he's been good, Grandpa lets him drive home...

Thanks for a great day Grandpa!

And while they're out farming, Kyler gets to pose for the camera!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Birthday Pictures...

OK. So I'm a little late getting the pictures from Colton's birthday party on here, but you should be used to this by now... :)

Camo Birthday cake by my Aunt Tina Colton has been working very hard to get three fingers up! Family pictures with the birthday boy! Aunt Tarin & Uncle Blaine got him an MP3 player that he HAD to listen to while opening the rest of his presents... Babies...Jayger Luedke (5/3/10), Kyler Luedke (3/11/10) & Jace Johnson (3/23/10)