While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt

Thursday, October 6, 2011

PAT Playgroup

Our Parents As Teachers playgroup met last month at the fire department in Highland.  We had a grea time checking out the sherrif's car, ambulance and fire truck!

Hoping we don't see her in the backseat of one of these some day...LOL

All of the kids had a blast climbing through the ambulance...Colton saw it and asked if that's what they put dead people in...YIKES!  Where does he come up with this stuff???

LOVED 'driving' the fire truck!

Colton's 4th Birthday

Yes, I know these are a little (ok, a LOT) late, but here they are anyway!

Phineas & Ferb cake, compliments of Aunt Tina...we LOVED it!!!


The Birthday Boy...complete with his brand new cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and
Phineas & Ferb shirt...can you tell we are big fans of Phineas and Ferb right now?  :)

Jed, Ang & Jace gave him two cap guns...they ALWAYS get him the 'cool' gifts...
(do you detect a hint of sarcasm in my voice????)

Papa Kent & Grandma Barb got him a really cool Fire Truck...although I've never seen a Fire Truck that shoots 'water missiles...'  :)

Happy Birthday Colton!  We love you!

Playdates and Piggies...

Yes, another playdate with Jace...but we have SO much fun when he's around!  We really hope that he will get to visit us just as much next summer when his Mom is hopefully not quite as busy as she was this year!  :)

A new favorite pastime when I'm changing sheets...or any time really...LOL

My turn to play on my couch!

Colton is getting REALLY good at this!

Kyler's hair is now long enough to put into 'piggies'...and she looks pretty darn cute! And more like a little girl and less like my baby girl...  :(

Hanging out together in Dad's chair...

Yes, I let them all walk on my couch.  No, I don't worry about them falling off...usually...and Yes, they have SO much fun doing it!



Not really sure what happened here, but I can only guess it had something to
do with Colton jumping on the couch somehow...

I want up there too guys!

Seriously, if you're looking for Christmas ideas, these couches are AWESOME!