While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Jace came over to play with us this weekend...and while he was here, the kids went hunting.  Out the window for coyotes, deer and turkeys...  They had SO much fun!

Funny thing was, later that night, we came home after dark and had two deer run into our pasture and three more standing in our yard...  Those deer better watch out!

Valentine Outtakes...

Every time we do this, I ask myself WHY DO WE TRY TO DO THIS??? 

Getting two kids to sit still for a picture...not completely impossible.  But asking them to sit still, smile and look at the camera (both at the same time)...pretty much impossible.

This is about as good as it gets...  ;)

To ask 3 kids to do this...yeah, I don't know why we do this either!

The two little ones are not quite old enough for bribery...

But I did get this one after we played with the train for a while!

And then Colton decided to cooperate...UGH!

*The boys' valentine shirts are compliments of Grandma Boos.  She couldn't find any cute shirts for the boys (notice Kyler's says 'I LOVE GRANDMA'), so she decided to make some herself...and did a fantastic job!

Oh Kyler...

So, Kyler will be 2 in less than a month... (Wow!  How did THAT happen?!?)  She is developing quite the personality...the personality of a 2 year old girl that is...who does NOT get along with her mother very well, I might add... (I am NOT looking forward to her teenage years...)  However, she is still quite the Momma's girl, and we still love her!

Battle wounds from daycare...  Not real sure how it happened, but when there is 1 girl and 4 boys, it was bound to happen sooner or later!  Her first goose egg!  She took it like a champ!  I haven't seen the 'other guy'...  LOL

Fashion statements...she LOVES to dress herself in whatever she can find...obviously.  And so proud of herself when she does it too!  Reminds me of some type of super hero in this one!

Dressed up to go outside to help Daddy...a long dress shirt, leggins, Hello Kitty mudboots and her CAT sweatshirt.  She may be cute, but she is NOT afraid to get dirty!  Trust me...

An outfit I picked out...

That didn't last long!  Her favorite thing to do is undress herself!  She will be in HEAVEN when summer gets here!  (And I will be when she is potty trained and I don't have to figure out what she did with the diaper she had on!)

Wearing one of Colton's shirts and her yoga pants while helping in the kitchen...

And a random photo of her trying to ride in her doll's wagon...

Like I said...Oh Kyler...  :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This one's for you Burke! :)

An old friend from high school sent me a note and told me it's been far too long since I updated my blog.  I've been super lazy lately about getting pictures off of my camera and onto the computer.  However, I did have these on my phone and got them uploaded to share!  Some of them are SUPER old, but still new to the blog!  :)  Hope this kills some time at work for you Burke!

Colton had his tonsils taken out back in November.  I snapped a quick picture before he woke up from his surgery.  He was a CHAMP!  Through surgery and recovery, he did great!  We had a couple rough days, but the majority of the days, you never would have guess he just had surgery...  And it has been well worth it!

Miss Kyler modeling her Hello Kitty mudboots that Grandma got her... 
And yes, she's standing on top of the freezer...don't ask.

Colton, in one of his favorite places in the whole wide world...at the shop in a piece of papa's construction equipment.

 Modeling his new Phineas & Ferb pajamas.  LOVED THEM!

 Colton started preschool this year at Troy, and had school pictures taken.  Don't ask me what is up with that face, but I didn't have him do retakes, because that is just Colton...  :)

Kyler, modeling Colton's underwear.  She is obsessed with putting clothes on, especially the ones I've just folded. 

 Cheesing for Mom!

 Playing dressup at a friend's house.  Didn't know she would be so happy to play dressup, but she'll do anything to play with the Pierce girls!

Shaving in the bathtub...

Kyler was shaving too, but wouldn't hold still long enough for me to take a picture while she was doing it...still having a great time in the tub anyway!

Kyler dressed herself this day.  Colton's CAT hat, her sweatshirt, diaper and Colton's shoes...  Needless to say, we didn't go anywhere this day...

Kyler is ready for your call!  She loves to play with Derek's bluetooth!  Luckily, he doesn't use it very much, so I don't have to worry about it getting broken.  And yes, that is snot pouring out of her nose...

The kids made a fort out of their couches one day while we were home, so they at lunch in it and had a great time!

One day recently, I got in a mood to do something fun with the kids.  Seems like all I ever get done when we're home is cleaning, dishes, and laundry.  Sooo....  I think we had just played play dough, and I decided to let them play with shaving cream.  Why not???  Kyler loved it!  Colton, not so much...  But we had a great time!