So, I have been TERRIBLE lately about getting my camera out to take pictures of my kids. I actually have pictures on my camera, but haven't had time to download them on my computer. SOOO...I am taking full advantage of the fact that Angela is on summer break for a couple more days. She updated her blog with these pictures of our latest adventures.
Our last adventure of the summer...a trip to Sea Life Aquarium in KC. Ang was right on this one...the kids loved it, but it was overpriced and not very impressive from an adult's standpoint. But, the important part was that the kids thought it was really cool...
One More Adventure...
AND...Colton turned 5 last week! And what more could any 5 yr old ask for than a bucking bull birthday party...have you ever seen a bucking bull birthday cake? Yeah, they don't really make a pan for that...LOL So, I improvised. I have a friend that loves to play with photoshop, so we took Colton's face and put it on a bucking bull rider's picture off the web. Turned out pretty awesome, and made it SUPER EASY for me to make his cake! He loved all of his presents and had a great time at his party this weekend...
Bucking Bull Party
Thanks for the help with the posts Angela... I promise to make it up to you now that you have to work like the rest of us... ;)
Cash & Carry Open House
14 years ago