is an understatement for us lately! Seems like we're meeeting ourselves coming and going lately. Kyler had her 4 month (YES, 4 MONTHS!) well-check Monday and is up to 13 lb. 7 oz. and 24 inches long, putting her in the 25-50th percentiles for height and weight. She smiles all the time, laughs a little more each day, and loves tummy time and might even consider rolling over for us sometime soon! Colton is busy as well. I've taken him swimming a couple times, and our babysitter has a small pool that he likes to play in. Not the bravest at first, but always seems to have a good time. He has learned how to do "tartwheels..." (can't wait to get that on video!) The things that he says and does are constantly cracking us up! Derek & I have both been busy with work. We just organized a big meeting at work that took a LOT of time, but was a HUGE success! Derek hasn't been lacking for work to do (thank goodness!) but things are starting to slow down...a little anyway!
OK. Enough chit chat. On to what you're really visiting this blog for! The PICTURES!
Angela, Melissa and I decided it would be fun to take all of the kids swimming at our Aunt Pat's house. It was a one-time deal and we all agreed we wouldn't try it again for a while...
Colton & I swimming

Had some friends camping at Trenton, Missouri a few weeks ago, so Colton, Kyler & I went to spend a day with them and visited the AWESOME aquatic park in town. It was SO kid-friendly and I would LOVE to take him back!

Colton still LOVES to hold his baby sister, even though it's harder because she's getting bigger and a LOT more squirmy!

We had cousins Taylea and Brynna out for lunch one Saturday

And Colton got to do sparklers (after I mentioned they freak me out) and several other fireworks on the 4th of July. He can't wait till next year!