While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt

Monday, July 26, 2010

So far today...

Colton & I finally broke out his swimming pool. I was trying to clean house, but he was just following behind making a mess again, so I gave up and we played...

Colton swam...

While Kyler slept in.... (Got up and ate at 5, then didn't get back up until 9:30!)

Kyler played...

and smiled!

and then Colton slept!

And a random picture I didn't know was on my camera of Colton in Kyler's sunglasses and Aunt "Ang" wearing Colton's breathing mask... I don't remember taking this picture, but I'm sure "Ang" will appreciate me posting it!


  1. Umm yeah...thanks for that one! Too bad it's out of focus, looks like a real Kodak moment!

  2. I figured if you were brave enough to pose for the camera, you wouldn't mind... :)
